Novels, Comics and Beyond!

Greg Anderson Elysée is a Brooklyn, NY born Haitian-American writer, educator, filmmaker, and model.
Is'nana: The Were-Spider is a multi-award winner, including the 2018 Fan Award, Rising Star, and Best Male Character, and 2019 Best Writer and Story of the Year (Glyph Awards). Is’nana is based on Anansi the trickster god.

Whether it's Charles Simpson our Art Director, Elijah Manning our Branding & Marketing Director, or Lawrence J. King our founder and CEO, our mission is to provide our fans with the diversity we see in our daily lives. We want to change the face of heroes and the way their stories are told. Join us on this journey.

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The Indie Comix Dispatch believes independent comics bring more depth and representation to the comics industry, that's why we're passionate about growing the indie comic community! ICD provides indie comic reviews, news, interviews, and more! Discover the home of indie comics at!

The award winning studio 133art is a Los Angeles based comic book imprint founded by illustrator Jason Reeves. The studio is comprised of a small group of freelance professionals; including illustrator Jason Reeves, writer Alverne Ball, & colorist Luis Guerrero. The three are collaborators on several of 133art's comics and properties; the Glyph Award winning 'OneNation', 'F-00 Fighters' and all-ages comic 'Kid Carvers'. Although primarily a comic book production studio, 133art offers services in comic book printing as well through the other wing of the company: 133art Printing.

BIC Distro, a partnership formed by 133art, MVmedia, LLC and Hiro! Unlimited, is proud to offer comic book and graphic novel distribution specializing in content produced by independent POC creators. BIC will utilize state of the art distribution and printing service to provide new opportunities for POC independent creators and retail outlets.

ADVENT COMICS is focused on providing high-quality comics and fan satisfaction - we will do everything we can to exceed your expectations. Genres ranging from Action/Adventure, Horror, Romance, Fantasy, Religion, Science Fiction, Crime Noir/Thrillers and of course Superheroes, our readers have been thoroughly satisfied and remain consistently loyal. With such a wide variety of offerings to choose from, we're sure you'll be happy with us.